Department - General Medicine

Head of Department: ----

Overview :

The Department of General Medicine is one of the key departments among clinical specialties. Post-Graduation course in General Medicine first started in 2009. Over the years the department has evolved and has maintained pace with changing times and needs of the society. Today, besides training undergraduates and post graduates in General Medicine.

Key Features :

  • With around 43 skilled faculty of different experience levels dept of medicine is one of the largest departments in KMC
  • Runs ICU with 20 bedded capacity.
  • Known to conduct regular CMEs, conferences and post-graduate clinics
  • Separate classrooms with HD monitors and projectors serving the needs of small group teaching, besides the regular lecture halls.

Area of Study :

Medicine functions under 5 units and is one of busy departments in KMC&H with average 200-300 out patients daily. With average daily 30 inpatients admission. Department caters to general medical problems & medical emergencies. Department is involved in teaching Undergraduate medical students (MBBS) & Postgraduates. M.D-General Medicine students. Undergraduate teaching involves lectures, beside clinics, grand rounds & students seminars. Post graduate teaching involves general clinics, specialty clinics, subject seminars, Journal clubs & CPCs.
Post graduates are also posted in specialty clinics, subject seminars, journal clubs & CPCs. Post graduates are also posted in specialties in second year of residency on rotation to Cardiology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Medical Oncology, Chest medicine and Psychiatry. Postgraduates from psychiatry, Hospital pharmacy and Forensic Medicine are also posted in medicine department in rotation. Guest lecturers from renowned subject experts are also held regularly for benefit of post graduates and faculty. In addition department is regularly conducting CMEs and Conferences. Department is actively involved in clinical research.

Additional Information :

Medicine functions under 5 units and is one of busy departments in KMC&H with average 200-300 out patients daily. With average daily 30 inpatients admission. Department caters to general medical problems & medical emergencies. Department is involved in teaching Undergraduate medical students (MBBS) & Postgraduates. M.D-General Medicine students. Undergraduate teaching involves lectures, beside clinics, grand rounds & students seminars. Post graduate teaching involves general clinics, specialty clinics, subject seminars, Journal clubs & CPCs. Post graduates are also posted in specialty clinics, subject seminars, journal clubs & CPCs. Post graduates are also posted in specialties in second year of residency on rotation to Cardiology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Medical Oncology, Chest medicine and Psychiatry.
Postgraduates from psychiatry, Hospital pharmacy and Forensic Medicine are also posted in medicine department in rotation. Guest lecturers from renowned subject experts are also held regularly for benefit of post graduates and faculty. In addition department is regularly conducting CMEs and Conferences. Department is actively involved in clinical research.

Department Gallery

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