Department - Forensic Medicine

Head of Department: ----

Overview :

The Department of Forensic Medicine is engaged in multifarious activities of teaching, training (Academic) and Medico legal services.

Key Features :

  • Conducts classes (Theory and Practical) for Under Graduate (MBBS) Students.
  • Periodic assessment of the knowledge and performance of students
  • Conducts seminars regularly
  • Extensive training in the medico legal work and inculcating the importance of medical ethics unethical practice and medical negligence for UG students, Interns, P.G.’s & Para Medical staff.

Area of Study :

  • Facilities for storage of dead bodies.
  • Periodic assessment of the knowledge and performance of students
  • Museum with specimens including toxicology and visuals.
  • A Good Collection of Photographs and fetuses of different ages.
  • Medico legal Publications
  • Acts as Advisory team: Gives Expertise opinion and guidance regarding Medico Legal Aspects in day to day hospital activities.

Additional Information :

1. Pattern of Injuries in fall from height – an autopsy based study
2. Pattern of Injuries to motorcyclists in fatal road traffic accident
3. An autopsy based study of socio –Etiological aspects of unnatural female deaths
4. An autopsy based study of socio –Etiological aspects in Dowry deaths
5. A study of violent asphyxia Deaths
6. A Study on socio demographic profile of poisoning cases at tertiary care Hospital-on going research.

Department Gallery

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